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Misery Loves Company: The black woman’s soul tie with pain and trauma
Spirituality, Black Culture

Misery Loves Company: The black woman’s soul tie with pain and trauma

author | Mack Major

Let’s talk about soul ties for a quick moment. Not all soul ties are sexual in nature. You can also form a soul tie with someone or a group of others that you come into agreement and fully resonate with.

For example: David formed a soul tie with Jonathan in the Bible.

“After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself.” 1 Samuel 18:1

“So Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David, saying, “May the LORD hold David’s enemies accountable.” And Jonathan had David reaffirm his vow out of love for him, for Jonathan loved David as he loved himself.” 1 Samuel 20:16-17

This wasn’t some homo thing, like some have tried to make it seem, Jonathan and David had genuine true BROTHERLY love between them.

The closest thing we could probably related it to on earth would be the kind of love military service members have between them who’ve endured combat together, or like the distorted love gang members share between each other; the kind of love that would cause one to ride and die for his bro. (Bros before 304’s)

This is a kind of soul tie.

»» Another example of a soul tie would be those enemies of the Apostle Paul who made a pact not to eat until they had discovered a way to permanently delete Paul.

“The next morning a group of Jews got together and bound themselves with an oath not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul. There were more than forty of them in the conspiracy.” Acts 23:12-13

These men fasted and swore an oath—a powerful type of soul tie—to get rid of Paul because of his success at converting Gentiles and Jews to faith in Jesus Christ.

As seen in the above examples, nonsexual soul ties can be formed for good or for evil purposes. Where am I going with this? It’s simple:

For more than 40 years, I’ve watched American black women form a collective soul tie against black men. They were deeply galvanized with the help of the book and movie "The Color Purple"—which depicted black men in the most degrading light as possible.

This pact was formed to basically make black men obsolete, second place and a mere footnote in the lives of these women. And many, many women signed onto and came into full agreement with the narrative of the no-good black man.

These women basically formed a powerful and effective soul tie. And that soul tie has effectively bound them from a successful relationship.

»» This was high-level witchcraft launched against American black women—from spiritual wickedness in high places—for the purpose of frustrating and halting the advancement of God’s Kingdom for generations. But I won’t get too deep on that with this article.

Ladies, in order for God to bless you, increase your life and to help you obtain favor in His sight for a fulfilling marriage, you MUST detach yourself from other women who still think erroneously about men.

You must uncouple, disengage from and rescue yourself from this sisterhood of failure, anger and bitterness.

How can you ask God on one hand to give you a husband when you despise and reject the role of men on the other hand? Are you not sending God a mixed message?

“But when you ask Him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.” James 1:6-8

Unless you plan on living in total abstinence for the rest of your natural adult life—that includes refraining from “the rose” and other such pleasure items)—you’re going to want and need your own husband.

And God has plenty to give. There are tons of quality single unmarried men out there.

The problem is that you cannot receive what God has for you because you’re still in mental and soul alignment with those women who despise godliness; who sneer at His Word; and who in their ultimate acts of rebellion twist scripture to make themselves guiltless in their own self-delusion about men.

Many of you are carrying inherited hurts, pains and biases against men that were placed on you by the older women in your family and life. You were groomed from your youth up, to detest men. And that attitude is blocking your blessings tremendously today.

It’s time for you to break your agreement with those women. NOW. Maybe others won’t. But it’s vital that YOU do it.

Exchange your membership is the bitter sisterhood brigade for true happiness and lasting contentment with your own man. Break that witchcraft spell off TODAY.

God won’t make you do it. And he won’t force a decent man to be with you otherwise. You must be willing to come out from among those poisonous women to get your own husband that God has been preparing you for.

Let those who can receive it shout AMEN. Now go and read, "SAVED [sexy] & Still Single: Why Christian Women Can’t Get Married Even Though They Love God."