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When Satan Is The Worship Leader

When Satan Is The Worship Leader

ISBN: (Mack Major)

Why would Beyonce sample a gospel music track—to make a song titled “Church Girl”—just to spit in the face of Biblical morality?

And why would anyone who claims to love Jesus, allow a self-described Witch to sample their music—just to make a song with it that’s designed to lure young Christian ladies away from the standards of Jesus Christ and into sexual immorality?

What the HELL is going on with our gospel music industry???

Why is the industry rife with homosexuals, whoremongers, adulterers, and lesbians: to the point where it is the norm, and no longer the exception?

Why do so many gospel artists mix the sacred with the profane by doing collaborations with unrepentant secular artists who target our youth to live lifestyles that will ultimately condemn them to Hell?

Are these gospel music artists trying to reach the lost at any cost? Or are they really motivated by world validation—which is really validation from Satan—as well as increasing downloads and streams of their music by any means necessary… even if it means offending Christ?

“You adulteresses, disloyal sinners—flirting with the world and breaking your vow to God! Do you not know that being the world’s friend, that is, loving the things of the world is being God’s enemy? So whoever chooses to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” James 4:4 AMP

Welcome to our latest ebook: When Satan Is The Worship Leader. This ebook takes a hard biblical critique of the current gospel music industry, its artists, and the state of American Christianity. Something is very wrong. And this new ebook provides the much-needed solutions.

Read it thoughtfully. Read it prayerfully. Allow God to speak to your heart and lead you into the path of righteousness, that you may avoid the slippery slope of the Enemy that will only lead to Hell.

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