ANGELS: Archons, Angelic Rulers, and the Spiritual Powers of the Heavenly Realms
ISBN: 978-1-7340350-8-7 (Mack Major)
WARNING: Whatever you think you know about Angels will be forever challenged and changed after reading this.
Did you know when you’re watching movies like Superman, Transformers, Prometheus, and others that show superhuman beings from another world coming to earth as either protectors or invaders, you are watching movies about angels?
If your knowledge about the reality of angels only comes from books found at the local Christian bookstore… in the “spirit-filled” section… or from popular new age authors and from occult websites: you are largely in the dark about perhaps one of the most fantastic resources available to us as believers.
Understanding angels, who they are, what they are, is vital to your understanding of the mission of Jesus Christ, the gospel, the purpose of the Church and God’s entire plan of salvation.
In fact, you won’t even understand what you’re being saved from without a proper understanding of angels.
Angels are in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. They are so much a part of the lives of the patriarchs, kings, priests, and prophets of scripture that one hardly notices when reading about them the magnitude of what’s taking place in the actual narrative.
This book is needed in this hour like never before. We have people out there seeking to worship angels: New Agers and those heavily involved in the Occult hoping to gain special knowledge and power through Enochian magic and rituals… which centers around seeking power through fallen angels.
There’s even a lot of confusion about this subject among ardent followers of Jesus Christ.
So let’s end the confusion by opening a broader study on angels and diving deep into scripture to see who they are and what they do.
In ANGELS: Archons, Angelic Rulers and the Spiritual Powers of the Heavenly Realms, you’ll be both empowered and amazed to learn:
- What it really means to be called a “son of God…”
- Why it’s so vitally important to have Jesus acknowledging your name before the Father and the angels in Heaven
- About the angel wars that brought war, weapons and mass destruction and untold death to our planet
- How angels start and instigate wars today, and are heavily involved in geopolitics and the economy
- How angels cause pandemics
- About the angels who are so wicked that God buried them alive in different places around the world (and they are still there)
- How an experiment by wicked angels led to the creation of actual demons
- How angels surround, help and always assist those who are called into ministry… and why it’s never a good idea to plot against God’s ministers or to cause them harm
- How angels take a special interest in helping God’s prophets
- How angels are intimately involved in the startup, growth, and progress of local churches
- How angels have helped you throughout your life; and are actively involved in your ongoing story today
- How angels are assigned by God to respond to our giving (tithes, alms, offerings, and other financial acts of kindness)
- How angels will help you find the right spouse, the best job for you: and will even lead you to the right career path and vocation
- How angels give people ideas for songs, books and new technologies, such as new medical breakthroughs
- How math and music are the secret language of angels
- How angels gave us modern technology
- The role that the Christian Church will play in teaching, instruction and ultimately judging angels in the very near future.
- Plus so much more.
This ANGELS ebook expands on what you think you know about angels by giving you a glimpse into these mysterious beings like never before.
It’s important that we know and understand the huge role that God’s angels are playing in our personal lives and in the world today.
You’ll walk away after reading it feeling more empowered, more protected and with a keen awareness of walking between both the heavenly and earthly worlds.
* Get your copy now, and take your Christian walk to a new level.
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